According to Market Insight Reports’ Global Terminal Blocks Market Research Report 2020, the global terminal block market is expected to grow continuously during 2021 – 2026. However, the Covid-19 outbreak has forced many Chinese manufacturers to shut down their plants, prompting US and European customers to divert orders to Taiwan or Southeast Asia.
“Demand for terminal blocks will not disappear, but just be shifted or postponed. The development of the terminal block market is closely related to economic growth because this device is widely used in electrical connection,” said David Lin, General Manager of Taiwan’s leading terminal block manufacturer SHINING E&E INDUSTRIAL established in 1978.
Amid the transfer of orders, David Lin shares his view on the terminal block supply chain. “Terminal blocks have existed almost 100 years. With difficulty in technology upgrading, SHINING E&E INDUSTRIAL has been creating product differentiation by final market applications, mold design optimization, or using special materials such as resistance to corrosion and high temperature,” he said.
FastDelivery and Customized Terminal Block Development Services Backed by 20-yearIndustrial Experience and Engineering Background
With an engineering background and morethan 20 years of experience in the industry, SHINING E&E INDUSTRIAL’sdecision maker David Lin is good at conveying customer needs in a way that bothprocurement and sales departments can easily understand. Even Tesla and NSAhave approached SHINING E&E INDUSTRIAL for its services. “SHINING E&EINDUSTRIAL has provided many customers with technical support and customizeddevelopment services on a project basis”, said David Lin. “Many leading vendorsask us to customize for them because they cannot use existing terminal blockswhen developing new products.”
SHINING E&E INDUSTRIAL is able toprovide topnotch quality and services at a more affordable price than Europeanand US suppliers and David is happy to share the secret to the company’s success.“We specialize in developing terminal blocks with special specifications.Existing terminal blocks may not be suitable for every vendor due to differentrequirements for current, voltage, and wiring. However, we won’t use specialmaterials deliberately during development; after all, cost is also a keyconcern,” said David Lin.
“For example, a standard terminal block canoperate at temperatures between 80-120 degrees Celsius and a ceramicterminal block can withstand temperatures in excess of 300 degreesCelsius. In this case, we will develop terminal blocks used in special occasionsbased on customer needs. We constantly receive requests to customize terminalblocks used to split power as they are ideal for signal control. Wecan also customize fuse blocks as long as we have engineering drawings orsamples at hand,” said David.

David Lin also talks about various customerneeds. “Each customer has different needs. A friend selling fork lifts said thebolts constantly came loose and broke due to high-frequency vibration. So Isuggested him add a spring or self-retaining screw,”” said David. By providingadvice based on industrial experience, SHINING E&E INDUSTRIAL is not only asupplier but also enterprises’ best partner.
WinUS Customers’ Heart with Fast Delivery and Response
Customers often attach an engineeringdrawing or sample file in their inquiry emails to SHINING E&E INDUSTRIAL. Unlikeother competitors that only sell standard products, SHINING E&E INDUSTRIALhas accumulated abundant experience which enables it to improve the quality ofproduct development services continuously while offering more rapid andprecise delivery. “Customization requires molding and verification, whichincreases the time needed. Molding takes about 20 to 45 days and sampleverification takes one to two weeks. After verification, it takes another 15 to45 days for mass production,” said David Lin.
The ability to respond to customers rapidlyis the key reason that sets SHINING E&E INDUSTRIALapart from the rest. “If an US customer emails me at nighttime, I wouldreply right away. Time difference is never a problem to me because I am notonly a decision maker, I also have knowledge in engineering and business. Ionce had the shipment delivered in less than 24 hours after receiving the priceinquiry. During this 24-hour period, a price quote was offered, and the paymentwas completed. This record was broken by another colleague who completedshipments in less than 2 hours after receiving the price inquiry,” said DavidLin.
SHINING E&E INDUSTRIAL also shares itsglobal market strategy when dealing with demand from customers located indifferent countries. “Every country has its own safety certificationrequirements. For example, products targeting the US market should be morefire-resistant and disaster-proof, while products for the European marketshould be designed to prevent any possible exposure to the electricelements because European governments place a high focus on electrocutionprevention,” said David Lin. If you need customized terminal blocks, don’t hesitateto contact SHINING E&E INDUSTRIAL which has been in the industry for morethan 40 years witha solid foothold in the US and Asian markets.