TC-645YC Ceramic Terminal Block
Ceramic Terminal Blocks (600v,45A,2~4Pole)
SHINING E&E has 40 years of experience in offering customers Ceramic Terminal Blocks (600v,45A,2~4Pole), and ensuring to meet each customer's requirements.
SHINING TC Series High Termperature Ceramic (Porcelain) Terminal Block including
SHINING TC-645YC Ceramic Terminal Block including
Item Number: TC-6452C / TC-6453C / TC-6454C /
Rated Voltage: 600V
Rated Current: 45A
Pole: 2 /3 /4
Install Type: Panel Mounted. Din Rail is not required
Characteriestic: Suitable for ovens, furnaces, kilns, infrared heaters, quartz tube heaters, catering equipment, etc. Use in high temperature condition
TC-645XC Ceramic Terminal Block are Ceramic Terminal Block, the basic color is white, and it is not Glazed type. There are reserved install holes on base.
Load current can be45A,. The Working Temperature of Ceramic Terminal Blocks are 250℃, up to 400℃.
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